Last week I asked on Instagram what your best wedding advice was! I asked what the most memorable parts of your wedding day were and what you thought was well worth it to invest your money in. I also asked what you think you could skimp on in terms of budget! As you can see from the below list, there are way more suggestions on what to invest in rather than what to skimp on. But I love the positivity!

What to invest in: 

  1. Videographer! This was the number one suggestion that every bride said she was so thankful she had and was their most cherished memory. Having video from your wedding is a must and finding a great videographer that will capture your day and your story is whats most important! My wedding videographer is Chris Thomas and I am SO excited! I told him the goal of my wedding video is for a random person to stumble upon it on youtube and have it make them cry (aka, super emotional, sappy video!!).

  2. Venue/Location: It’s where you are going to be all day and where majority of your photos will be taken, so loving your venue and its vibe is a must!

  3. Entertainment: If you have the budget, go for the band!! If a full band is out of the budget, find a DJ that will really help to get the crowd going. Getting people on the dance floor makes all the difference at a wedding!

  4. Open bar: Most people said the open bar was worth it! A few people also gave great advice to make it clear to the guest that the bar is an open bar so people don’t have to be awkward about asking to pay!

  5. Your dress: You will be in it all day and it will be in every photo! It is so important to be in love with your dress! I am so happy I already found my dress and I am obsessed with it. I can’t wait for you all to see it! I found my dream dress at Vows in Watertown, MA.

What to skimp on:

  1. Flowers: Most people said flowers were the number one thing to not invest as much in!! I was SHOCKED when I got quotes from florists for how expensive they are! In my mind, they are stunning, but they die… A lot of people suggested having more candles and greenery and less actual flowers to reduce the cost. 

  2. Invitations: Personally, I believe that the invitations set the tone of the wedding… but there are definitely ways to make them cost efficient! For example, websites like Minted can be really affordable! 

  3. Late night food: Everyone is dancing and having fun that no one is even worrying about eating. Focus on having a good meal and dessert and people will be all set and having a blast!

Other great advice: 

1. Guest list: Only invite close family and fiends. The night goes by so fast and you will only want people there that truly care about you and your marriage. I was given some advice that really resonated with me, “Only invite the people that you would take out and treat to dinner. If you wouldn’t buy them dinner, they probably shouldn’t be at your wedding.” 

Make sure you are following me on instagram for more wedding related content! Follow me here: @mollyjcurley